Your Innovation Projects

August 2019

The trend radar is the anchor in strategic innovation management. The innovation fields lead over to strategic areas of action. Both are an integral part of the trend manager.

Now we are supplementing the level of concrete implementation projects. With the Innovation Projects area, you can now also digitally map your projects or project ideas. This closes the chain from trends to innovations. And we make this connection visible. On the trend radar overview you will also see the innovation projects in the context of the relevant trend topics and innovation fields.

Trendmanager Version 2

June 2019

We are delighted to be able to present you with the fully updated TRENDMANAGER VERSION 2.

In this release, we have completely updated the user interface. We have also greatly expanded the integration of elements like the areas of innovation and the trend radar. Another focal point is the trend radar. The new view offers access to all the linked information on your radar.

Get a first impression and take a look at our teaser.

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